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- 4/5にLusha Zhu氏が特別講演「相互接続された世界における構造と影響力(Structure and influence in an interconnected world)」を行いました。
4/5にLusha Zhu氏が特別講演「相互接続された世界における構造と影響力(Structure and influence in an interconnected world)」を行いました。

Structure and influence in an interconnected world
Many social species are embedded on social networks, including our own. The structure of social networks shapes our decisions by constraining what information we learn and from whom. Yet the precise mechanism by which the human brain interacts with the networked environments remains unknown. A major obstacle to exploring this conundrum has been the difficulty to develop computationally-tractable and neurobiologically-plausible accounts that can characterize how the decision-making system processes information passing through social networks. In this talk, I will present some recent progress in addressing this gap. By combining ideas and methods from decision neuroscience and social network analysis, we demonstrate a neural mechanism of ‘network-dependent learning’, which filters social information according to where the sources locate on the network. This mechanism can give rise to collective maladaptation, including biased learning and misinformation propagation in an interconnected society.