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- 3/29(金) 14:00~15:30 Dr. Wouter のトークセミナー「Uncertainty, Social Learning & Social Rewards in Social Networks」を開催します
3/29(金) 14:00~15:30 Dr. Wouter のトークセミナー「Uncertainty, Social Learning & Social Rewards in Social Networks」を開催します
理化学研究所 和光キャンパス 脳科学東研究棟1Fセミナールーム
Uncertainty, Social Learning & Social Rewards in Social Networks
Adolescence is a time of social re-orientation in which peers become important sources of information and support. Social information is very useful to navigate the uncertain and novel environments faced by adolescents. Yet not all information is equally valuable, so it is an important skill to weigh information accordingly. Here I will present a computational framework and several empirical studies on how adolescents learn how to adaptively use social information stemming from different sources in their social networks. Besides information, social networks provide social support and social feedback. Positive social feedback from peers may specifically be a strong motivator for adolescents. We investigate the implications of feedback sensitivity on social media use in youth in three different studies, using trace-data, experimental studies and brain imaging.
Wouter van den Bos
Associate Professor University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Programme group Developmental Psychology